Speak fluently and stutter-free
ZOV.AI customized sound healing technology balances speech centers in the human brain and subdues stuttering. Get prepared for public speaking, meetings, dates, and effective communications just by listening to an AI-generated frequency mixture.
Launch ZOV app
Record voice for analysis
Record voice for analysis
First, you'll be asked to take a snapshot of your current mind state by recording a sample of speech.
Listen generated stimulus
Listen generated stimulus
Next, put on your noise-canceling headphones and enjoy a customized frequency mixture generated by the algorithm.
Feel the effects
Feel the effects
At the end of the session, take another recording of your speech to track your progress.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. People with epilepsy should not use this app without medical supervision.
100% money back guarantee
100% money back guarantee
1-day trial
1-day trial
Monthly subscription
Monthly subscription